Pakinam ElGohary
Age 21 – Egypt
I am Pakinam ElGohary from Egypt.
During my last 6 years I have worked on several peace projects and festivals. I was also lucky enough to attend Cairo’s and Florianopolis’ Youth World Peace Forum experiences, all very important experiences that have been transforming my heart and giving a direction to my life.
In 2015 I was named Youth Ambassador of Peace for the Universal Circle of the Peace Ambassadors and since then, living and working for peace has also become essential that corresponds to my human vocation, and my personal way of contributing to a better world.
Peace for me is to help and accept unconditionally. To support and give love from deep heart. Peace could be as simple as drawing a smile on one’s face. Peace is something you live on a daily basis.
Peace could never be limited by borders, boundaries, or distance. For me, I believe that peace is not something we can hold, but rather feel. And feelings are free from any sort of geographical or imagined boundaries. Only your “will” is what will make peace possible to make a visible change.